The College of Wooster: America’s premier college for mentored undergraduate research!
Wooster is a small liberal arts residential college of around 2,000 students in Wooster, Ohio. Our core focus on research experiences help Wooster students develop abilities prized by employers and graduate schools alike: independent judgment, creativity, project-management and time-management skills, self confidence, and strong written and oral communication skills.
In their senior year, each student works one-on-one with a faculty mentor to conceive, plan, and complete a significant piece of original research, scholarship, or creative expression, in a capstone project called Independent Study.
The results speak for themselves:
- Six months after graduation, more than 90 percent of Wooster graduates are employed or in graduate school.
- Wooster ranks 29th overall among liberal arts colleges whose graduates go on to earn a Ph.D., sixth in chemistry, ninth in physical sciences, 15th in political science and public administration, and 18th in history.
For the past decade, when U.S. News & World Report asked college presidents and deans to name schools with outstanding undergraduate research opportunities and senior capstone programs, only two schools made both lists all 10 years: Princeton and Wooster.